Literacy Superheroes
LiteracyNightwasheldThursday,April18attheLCCschool. The theme this year was SuperHeroes. (above) SuperHero Teachers (back) June Koester, Julie Hart, Jean Granquist, SheriChristiansen,LisaWolfgram,KristinaSteinle,(front) Amy Gould, Denise Kinkaid, and Sue Koch helped out last week’s special event. (left) Denise Kinkaid, Finn and Nicole Dennis work on letters at the Literacy Night event. The elementary teachersplannedstationsthatincludedsuperhero activities that promote reading. There were Hero Photos using the green screen, a who would win Superhero style station, create your own Superhero, crack the code using black lights, a Superhero comic strip station and Superhero snacks. Students also had the opportunity to purchase books from the book fair, which was organized by the PTO.
04/24/2024 12:00 AM