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Wynot Expos drop opening district contest

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LESTERVILLE - The Wynot Expos dropped a District 6B openinground game to the Freeman Black Sox to put themselves in a “winor- go-home” contest with the loser of a game between Crofton and Lesterville, Aug. 1, which will decide whether the Expos’ season continues to the South Dakota Class B State Amateur Baseball Tournament in Mitchell, S.D.

“It boils down to this next game,” long-time Wynot manager, Lee Heimes said. “If we win, we qualify for state, if we don’t we’re done for the season.”

The top four teams in District 6B make it to Mitchell in the seven-team league.

Wynot came into the game with Freeman as the No. 5 seed in the tournament while the Black Sox were the No. 4 seed.

“We just couldn’t string together enough hits to get over the hump,” Heimes said. “It seemed like we hit the ball all right, but it was right at them, it’s kind of been the story of our entire season. We haven’t consistently put hits together to score runs.”

The Expos put together seven hits to score their three runs compared to Freeman getting eight hits and scoring eight.

The Black Sox grabbed the lead early with two runs in each of the first two innings, then added four in the sixth to go up 8-0 heading into the seventh.

Wynot answered with a couple of runs in the top of the seventh.

Jalen Wieseler got on board to lead off the Wynot seventh on a Black Sox error which left him on second base.

Scott Morrison singled to right field to send Wieseler home then Devon Lammers collected one of his three hits in the contest with a line drive single to left which left runners on first and second with no one out.

After a ground ball out, Nathan Wieseler hit a ground ball to the Freeman shortstop which scored Morrison and the Expos seemed to have some momentum, trimming the lead to 8-2.

But Black Sox pitching kept the Expos from crossing the plate again until Lammers rocketed a home run to left field with nobody on and one out in ninth to end the scoring on the night.

The Expos will enter the game with the Crofton/Lesterville loser with a 6-13 record.

Freeman def. Wynot Expos 8-3. W 000 000 201 - 3 7 2 F 220 004 000 - 8 8 1 WP: J. Fiegen LP: Landon Wieseler. 2B: J. Hofer (F). HR: Devin Lammers (W).