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Coleridge Legion, Auxiliary hold June meetings

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COLERIDGE — The American Legion Post #114 and its Auxiliary Unit #114 held their monthly meeting June 3 at the Coleridge Community Building. The units jointly recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then they separated and held their monthly meetings.

Vice President Jacie Burbach called the meeting to order. Secretary Brenda Lage called the role with six members responding. She also read the minutes of the April and May meetings and a correction was made to the April treasurer’s balance, motion to amend April’s minutes was made by R. Polak and seconded by. M. Storm. Treasurer Diane Wemhoff gave the Treasurer’s report, for the months of April and May, and her report was accepted as read. The motion was made by M. Storm and seconded by W. Durham to pay bills as presented.

Vice President Burbach discussed the Memorial dinner, which had a good turnout of pies and desserts for the dinner. Poppies look pretty good after gathering them from the cemeteries. Suggestions were also discussed for next year’s dinner.

Vice President Burbach did remind members to keep track of their volunteer hours and we will have new sheets available at the next meeting, since May is the start of the new year. Discussion was held on member involvement with the No Bake Sale at the American Legion Pancake Feed and donation of money or pies/ desserts for Memorial Day Dinner, President Gullicksen has the lists, so this will be discussed at the July meeting. The next meeting will be July 1, 2024.

Brenda Lage Secretary