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Randolph family given Pioneer Farm Award

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WAYNE - A Randolph family was recognized for 100 years of continuous family ownership of their farm.

The Aksarben Foundation and Nebraska Farm Bureau presented the Nebraska Pioneer Farm Award to the Gubbels Family Farm at the Wayne County Fair last week.

Noni Gubbels, Rick Gubbels, Roxy Hanel, Jerlyn Gubbels and Greg Gubbels received the award in person.

In 1875, 160 acres nine miles south of Randolph were issued to Mathew Neidy, a private in Company One, 4th Regiment of the U.S. Artillery.

Because of the hard financial times, the homestead passed through several owners through tax sales, warranty deeds, probates and assignments before being purchased by Louis and Bessie Gubbels on June 24, 1924.

The purchase was made from the Richard Rees estate through an administrator’s deed by Randolph banker, F.S. Stegge.

The couple had married four months prior to the purchase of the farm.

All of their nine children were born on the farm: Arlene, Dorothy, Don, Ivan, Leo, Rita, Lucile, Rosemary and David.

The boys all farmed and the girls all married farmers, except Rita who never married.

In 1944, Louis and Bessie moved to a farm one mile east of Randolph. They retired in 1970 and moved into town.

The farm was rented for a short time until Leo was ready to take over the farming operation. It was officially sold to Leo and his wife, Gladys, on Dec. 27, 1956.

The couple had married on April 14, 1953.

To this marriage were born Greg, Rick, Doug, Roxanne and Rodney. Leo died on March 12, 2002, in the home he was born in, weeks before his 50th wedding anniversary.

Gladys moved to Randolph in 2005.

At this time, Gladys sold an area of 40 acres which included the home to son Rick on Oct. 20, 2005. Rick and his wife, Noni, continue to live on the farm.

The home on the original 160 acres was built in 1912, according to county records. The corn crib and machine shed were built in 1926 by Louis. They are still being used.