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Both schools will celebrate Homecoming on Sept. 13

HARTINGTON — Homecoming 2024 will be a community-wide event this year.

Hartington-Newcastle and Cedar Catholic school officials have decided to both hold Homecoming festivities on Sept. 13.

'Because of other activities scheduled, both schools wanted to have Homecoming on that date,' Hartington- Newcastle Supt. A.J. Johnson said.

The schools will hold a joint parade at 11:30 a.m. that day.

Cedar Catholic is scheduled to have the 3 p.m. game and HNS is scheduled to have the 7 p.m. game at Russ Hochstein Field.

'We're looking forward to celebrating together,' Johnson said. 'It should be a great experience for the town, alumni and our kids.'

Despite having a joint Homecoming parade and two football games on the same day, the schools don't plan to share in any other activities.

HNS typically holds its coronation ceremonies some time before the game, itself.

Cedar Catholic's coronation and dance will still take place Friday evening, but no time has yet been set for those activities.

'I think it will be a fun day for the community and will bring a lot of spirit and pride to the schools by having both homecomings on the same day,' Cedar Catholic assistant principal Chad Cattau said. 'We have never had it on a double-header day so we will see how it goes, but I don’t foresee any issues. There is obviously still some planning for how the week will play out but we will get those details finalized soon.'