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Creative District adds new planters to downtown area

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HARTINGTON — Hartington’s downtown area looks a little brighter these days.

The Hartington Creative District group recently placed 13 various decorative planters in the downtown district along Broadway and Main streets.

This is just one of the projects underway in the Hartington Creative District.

The plan is to move the community gardens into the district, said the group’s spokesman, Julie Meirose.

The “Adopt a Planter” program allows individuals, families, groups and businesses to choose a planter to garden.

Participants can use their creativity with them by using seasonal decorations, plants, flowers and herbs, or whatever their imaginations come up with.

The program is free of charge thanks to an anonymous grant meant to fill the void left by the closing of the large community garden.

Placement of the planters has been strategic in hopes that they will create spaces of community gathering, sharing and greenery, Meirose said.

The garden areas do not end with the planters. Additional downtown gardening areas are planned in the near future as well as a children’s garden and outdoor classroom with classes next spring in conjunction with the extension office, Meirose said.

For full information on the Community Garden Adopt a Planter Program, or to make a donation to the Hartington Creative District, contact the city office or stop in and visit with Economic Development Coordinator Miranda Becker.

Hartington is one of just a few certified Nebraska Creative District in the state.

The community was awarded a $10,000 Nebraska Arts Council Certification Grant once its application was accepted.

The Nebraska Creative District Program utilizes the arts as an economic driver to support communities in Nebraska by telling their stories and elevating the value of the arts.

The Hartington Creative District was designed to mirror the city’s Historic Disrict.

It encompasses a two-by-six block area of Downtown Hartington, which is also designated as a National Registry Downtown Historic District. The goal for the Hartington Creative District is to encourage and embrace the arts as well as improve and beautify the district itself, Meirose said. Another goal of these efforts is to encourage tourism, support local business, promote new business and give local residents another reason to support their hometown community.

In 2020, the Nebraska State legislature passed a bill into law which created the Creative Districts program.

The program works to promote and support economic development and placemaking opportunities in communities dedicated to growing their arts-related economic sectors.

For more about the Creative District program, please visit the Nebraska Arts Council website at explore/creative-districts/ or call the office at 402-595-2122.