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Civil suit seeks damages sustained from murders

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HARTINGTON – A wrongful death civil lawsuit has been fi led in Cedar County District Court to recover monetary damages caused by the murder of a Laurel woman.

Gail Curry, the personal representative of the estate of Dana Twiford, filed the suit against Jason and Carrie J ones last week.

The suit briefly states that Jason Jones broke into the L aurel home where Twiford lived and killed her and her parents on Aug. 4, 2022, and that Carrie Jones conspired, planned and provided support for the killing.

As a result of “extreme physical and emotional damages sustained by Dana associated with the events leading up to her death,” her next of kin are seeking survivorship damages, as well as “extreme emotional, psychological and financial damages from the loss.” Along with funeral bills, the suit seeks compensation for loss of comfort, society, companionship and financial support and other expenses reasonably related to Dana’s death.

Dana Twiford’s next of kin are listed as Curry, Jill Olesen and Todd Twiford.

The Joneses were served the documents at their respective incarceration centers - Jason Jones at the Nebraska Department of Corrections in Lincoln, and Carrie Jones at the Boone County Jail.

Jason Jones is charged with four counts of murder and other charges with a three-week jury trial set to start in September in Dakota County. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

In Cedar County District Court Monday morning, Jason Jones’ lawyer, Todd Lancaster of the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy, indicated he would be filing a motion regarding death penalty qualifications this week.

That motion will be argued through video conference Monday, July 29.

Carrie Jones is charged with one count of murder, accessory and tampering charges with a court date set for next month.

Along with the deaths of the Twifords, the Joneses are also being charged in the murder of Michele Shanldes-Ebeling in August 2022.