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City seeks to fill board vacancies

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RANDOLPH – The City of Randolph is seeking volunteers to be involved on two different boards.

At least one more volunteer is needed for the city’s Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) but more are welcome to join, said City Administrator Sheila Korth.

EDAB meets bimonthly with a goal to provide direction for the city’s economic development and downtown revitalization efforts. In the past, the board has been involved in the formulation of community surveys and other steps necessary to secure a Community Development Block Grant for downtown revitalization.

The city’s Park Board also meets bimonthly and has six members with room for one more. The board oversees the city parks and the Summer Youth baseball and softball program, Korth said. In the past, the Park Board has raised money for playground and swimming pool improvements.

Anyone interested in serving on EDAB or the Park Board is urged to contact Korth at the city office.

“We appreciate the time and effort of those serving on city boards, including everything from fundraising to organizing events, and so much more,” she said.