World War II
March 20, 1930
HARTINGTON — New equipment was received this week by Thielen Cleaners.
March 20, 1930
CROFTON — Tallies were installed at the Sun Theatre at Crofton, which has moved to a new location. A full house attended the free show Saturday night.
March 21, 1940
HARTINGTON — Howard “Tim” Stark, “Voice of a Hundred Movies” of Hollywood, has been visiting friends in Hartington. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Lucien Stark of Norfolk, former Hartington residents.
March 21, 1940
HARTINGTON — A seven– coach special train will carry Cedar Countyans to Omaha for Golden spike Days.
March 26, 1945
HARTINGTON —Hartington schools were closed this week and restrictions were placed on gatherings of persons under 18 years of age because of the scarlet fever epidemic which is prevalent in the community.
The closing action was taken Saturday morning at a meeting of members of the city and county boards of health after several new cases of the disease had been reported. The closing ban will be lifted and schools will reopen next Tuesday morning, April 3.
Dr. F. P. Dorsey, jr., city physician, said there were 25 or more cases of the disease in Hartington and nearby community. Several of the cases have been severe. The new drug, penicillin, was used in several of the cases where complications developed.
In addition to closing the schools, the health board prohibited the gathering of persons under 18 at picture shows, bowling alleys, pool halls, cafes and other places of amusement. A dance scheduled for Easter Monday night in the city auditorium was postponed.
March 26, 1945
HARTINGTON —Pvt. Warren R.
Dowling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dowling of Hartington, has been made an acting squad leader at the infantry replacement center at Camp Fannin, Tex.
Pvt. Dowling’s leadership ability won quick recognition and he now leads the twelve men in his squad during field maneuvers.