The upcoming bond election gives us the opportunity to choose to keep our school buildings updated and our school district moving forward. In the past, our parents and grandparents stepped up to the plate and took the necessary actions to maintain our school facilities and keep our district in the game. Now, we are up to bat.
The project for which this bond issue is proposed includes many improvements to our facilities.
In our elementary building, new windows, HVAC systems, electrical work, and lighting will increase efficiency and update defunct machinery, while a fire sprinkler system and a safer building-entrance system will help ensure the safety of our students. Further included work involves restroom updates, and the construction of a small addition to be used to receive meals prepared at the high school and serve them to the elementary students. This will eliminate the need to bus our students across town every day for lunch.
In our high school facilities, air conditioning will be added in the main gym. Additionally, the current two buildings used for agricultural and industrial arts education will be replaced with a new CTE (Career Technical Education) building. This part of the project will improve safety for our students in a number of ways, as the plan includes a proper fire sprinkler system, a storm shelter, well-designed ventilation and dust-collection systems for all activities, and a layout that ensures that the instructor will be able to observe all student activities. This new facility will also position us to better train our students in a variety of in-demand technical fields, such as welding, agriculture, building construction, electrical, HVAC, and others, while allowing us to adapt as needed.
Of course, with a project like this, the issue of taxes cannot be overlooked. The fact is, we are all burdened with taxes. Another pair of facts is: 1) We are fortunate enough to still have our school system, and 2) We must maintain our school system if we want to keep it. We know this project is going to be expensive. For this reason, much research has been done to be sure that these repairs are necessary, and tours of CTE buildings in neighboring communities have been made to guide us toward what we really need. As a result, the size of the CTE building has been decreased and the layout changed. This, in addition to deciding to pay for high school roof repairs out of the building fund instead of through the bond, has helped to decrease the proposed bond by $1 million to $8.75 million.
As we look toward the future of our community and that of our school system, we must be positioned to help our students, our children, to discover and prepare for careers in our everchanging world. Our children are our future, and by providing a safe and positive educational experience right here at home, we not only have the best chance of helping them achieve much in their own lives, but also to help our community grow and thrive.
It is our turn to step up to the plate on this project. Let’s come together to choose to take care of our facilities and our students. Let’s choose, together, to hit this one out of the park and continue to make Randolph the place “Where Tomorrow Is Built Today.”
- Paul and Corinne Schmit *** Want to submit a letter to the editor? Letters should be around 450 words or less, signed and include the writer’s phone number for verification purposes. The last electionrelated letter will be published Wednesday, April 30. Letters are due Mondays by 2 p.m. to be considered for that week’s edition. Send a letter to [email protected], or drop it off at the Times office.