The lateness of the hour that the committee arrived at the entries and the factor that only 15 entries have been submitted seemed only logical that the committee should postpone action on selecting the logo.
*** RANDOLPH – New inductees of the National Honor Society were recognized in a ceremony Thursday evening. New inductees include Joe Huwaldt, Bob Buell, Don Tunink, Kelly Thelen, Jay Taylor, Eric Pentico, Patti Milander Rick Nordhues, Jeff Backer, Shelly Wattier, Debbie Milander, Julie Carstens and Janeen Kittle.
New inductees join other National Honor Society students including Brian Backer, Darcy Speer, Kirby Meyer, Paul Koehler, Joe Thelen, Julie Pentico, Connie Nordhues, Cheri Stevens, Lisa Thies, Michelle McLain, Jackie Borst, Angie Steffen, Caryl Preston and Mike Peebles.
John Aplers is sponsor of the National Honor Society.
30 Years Ago - March 22, 1995
RANDOLPH – Senator Stan Schellpeper paid a visit to Randolph third graders on March 20. His visit was a response to letters written by third grade students. On Monday, he explained how the Legislature works and other current event issues. *** RANDOLPH – PTA members are hosting an informative meeting with a special scheduled guest, Julie White, March 27.
White, a KCAU television personality, will speak on child advocacy issues for approximately one-half hour. She hosts the “Children First” series on KCAU.
The public is welcome and urged to attend as the presentation will concern all individuals and is not limited to parents or teachers.
20 Years Ago - March 23, 2005
RANDOLPH – The Randolph Public Library Building Committee held a “Laugh-in” fundraiser March 19.
The evening consisted of Randolph’s version of The Gong Show, The Not So New Newlywed Game, Jeopardy and Beat the Clock. Making an appearance were Bob Eubanks (Jeff Gubbels), Ernestine (Kay Lackas), Gene the Dancing Machine (Mark Dickes), Alex Trebek (Dale Hansen) and Vanna White (Jackie Backer). All proceeds went to the Randolph Building Fund. *** RANDOLPH – Once upon a time someone found a stray dog on a highway in Northwest Omaha.
He was a malnourished, very sick German shorthair pointer cross who was desperately in need of care. Once found, he was taken to the Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha in hopes that he could receive good care.
This is the beginning of the story and residents of Randolph know the end of the story as the dog that was found was “Clyde,” facility pet to Randolph’s Colonial Manor/Estates who came to the facility late last year to provide companionship and entertainment to residents, staff and visitors of the facility.
10 Years Ago - March 25, 2015
HARTINGTON – As part of severe weather awareness week, a statewide tornado watch will sound March 25. According to plan, the tornado warning sirens will also sound statewide.
In Cedar County, it is a time to test equipment and emergency systems prior to an actual event. Sirens will go off in each community, emergency pagers will sound to all first responders, and schools, business and residents are asked to participate and practice what they would do and where to go.
Emergency Management Director Kevin Garvin said volunteer firemen and other first responders will go to schools and businesses and get a “feel” for where people would be during an emergency in the case where actual search and rescue would need to be done. *** HARTINGTON – Two high speed chases took place Friday in Cedar County.
The evening pursuit, which involved Cedar County deputies, began around 9 p.m. in Crofton.
The chase then crossed into Cedar County, before ending with an arrest in Wayne County.