March 22, 1945
HARTINGTON - L. G. Riibe, Cedar County treasurer, was named chairman of the County War Finance committee, which supervises war loan drives.
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE-Fanny and Stephen DeBow recently received a letter from Albert Hirschman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hirschman, former Coleridge residents. He is now stationed in the Philippine islands.
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE — Word was received from Norman Konken early this week that he was wounded for the third time on March 1.
In addition to shrapnel wounds in his neck and leg, he suffered first- and second-degree burns on his face, and one ear was burned when his tank caught fire.
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE-Herbert D. Meyerott ARM 1|c, who has been an instructor at the naval school at Memphis, Tenn., since a short while after he entered service, is now a patient in the navy hospital at Brooklyn, N.Y.
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE — Immediately before being transferred to Seattle recently, Glendora Collins was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (senior grade).
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE- David Graham announced this week that he would hold a farm sale on Friday, March 30.
He recently passed the pre-induction physical examination for the armed services and expects to be called for service during April.
To be offered at the sale are 11 head of cattle, 2 hogs, a team of horses, a nice line of farm machinery including a good tractor, some household goods, and miscellaneous items.
A complete copy of the sale bill will be found inside this issue.
March 22, 1945
COLERIDGE- Drive in School District Is 55% Over Quota; More Contributions Are Wanted A survey of the Red Cross drive for school district 41 shows that contributions made to date are slightly more than $700. The quota for the district is $450, and the fund score totals 155% of that.
The local drive has not yet been completed but will be next week. The campaign has advanced far enough that it is now doubtful whether the $1,000 mark, which had been desired here, can be reached. However, with just a little more effort, the local drive should pass the $900 mark, double the quota.
March 22, 1945
HARTINGTON - County Selective Service Board Releases Names of 150 Men for Pre-Induction Exams The county selective service board has released the names of 150 men who have been ordered to report for their pre-induction physical examinations. The large group is divided into four sections. Fifty will leave March 27, another 50 will leave March 28, and 36 will leave March 29. The other 14 have been transferred to other boards for their examinations.
Those leaving March 27 are: * Coleridge – Robert D. Havekost, Myron E. Frerichs, Walter J. Bieg, and Charles I. Steffen.
* Hartington – Jerome J. Schumacher, Richard J. Becker, Vincent E.
Dreesen, Marvin E. Domina, William Dreesen, Donovan J. Becker, Howard J. Glasser, Elwin J. Burbach, Lavoine C. Schager, Robert H. Olsen, Cecil L.
Andresen, Earl J. Schulte, James T.
Goetz, Urban A. Kathol, Eugene W.
Wohlman, Claude L. Rossiter, Norman L. Morten, Francis A. Wortman.
* Wausa – Willis L. Wilbeck, Donald G. Pearson, and Darrell D. Ziegler. * Randolph – James J. Clabaugh, Gerard F. Bermel, Paul E. Miller, and Kenneth M. Brummels.
* Wynot – Paul D. Cisney, Joseph J. Burbach, Wayne E. Koch, Marvin G. Derby, Theodore F. Pick, Donald A. Hochstein, and Gerald E. Schulte.
March 22, 1945
HARTINGTON - Mrs. Carl A. Pedersen, Jr., Hartington, was appointed chairman of the women’s division of the County War Finance committee.
A sub-office of the U.S. Employment Service was established in Hartington. Clifford Henningsen, a World War II veteran, will be in charge of the office.