March 17, 1960
COLERIDGE—Leading the Coleridge cheers for the 59-60 athletic season were Mary Scholl, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ludwig Scholl; Doris Brockman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Brockman; Betty Hinrichs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hinrichs; and Darlene Murkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Murkle.
March 17, 1960
COLERIDGE— Snowfall for the year is beginning to reach an all time high as far as official records go.
As the snow continues to come down, new records start to go up and as it looks now, a new all time record is about to be set. The white stuff for this winter now adds up to nearly 60 inches — just a few inches short of an all time high.
March 19, 1970
COLERIDGE—Mr. Steven Liakos, presently employed by the Stanton Public School, has been hired as principal of the Coleridge Community Schools for the 1970-71 school year. Mr. Liakos, a graduate of Alliance High School and Kearney State College, was a four-year letterman in football at Kearney State, wrestling letterman, and a member of the Choraleers, selected touring choir, for three years. Mr. Liakos and his wife, Betty Jo, have two children; Ami Jo, 2 1/2 years, Kip Steven, 8 months.
The Liakos will move to Coleridge around June 1.
March 17, 1960
COLERIDGE—A new downtown office has been opened by Jens P.
Brodersen. He plans to sell various types of farm seeds. The office was formerly occupied by Edna’s Beauty salon.
March 17, 1965
LAUREL — Laurel has been entered in the Nebraska Centennial Community Betterment Contest under the sponsorship of the Laurel Chamber of Commerce.
March 17, 1965
LAUREL—Miss Shirley Grella was among the 34 freshman nurses receiving her cap and pin at a special capping ceremony held March 7 at the St. Joseph Mercy School of Nursing. March 17, 1965
LAUREL—Arliss Dirks, daughter of Mrs. Phyllis Dirks of Concord was chosen to represent Laurel at Girl’s State in June.