March 24,1955
HARTINGTON — Paul Robinson, senior at Hartington High, was named to the Class C All-State basketball team selected by Gregg McBride, World-Herald sports writer.
The World-Herald had this to say about Paul: “Robinson, a top-notch rebounder, anchored the Hartington defense. In addition, he was an important cog in the defense. Playing his third year, Paul averaged 15.3 points per game.”
Paul, who stands 6-5, was the tallest man on the mythical squad. Other members of the Class C team were Robert Moore, Clarkson; Ed Kuska, Chadron Prep; Tom Kumpf, Leigh; and Harold Lightfoot, Lodgepole.
Larry Folkers, Hartington’s busy scorer, was mentioned as an outstanding Class C cager and leading contender for the all-state squad.
Others in this area who were pressing for recognition in Class C were Gary Schenck of Randolph and Stuart Nelson of Wausa.
Art Wieseler of Wynot was recognized for his outstanding play in Class E basketball.
March 24,1955
HARTINGTON— Sidney Eickhoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eickhoff, was named the outstanding player on the 1954-55 Holy Trinity basketball squad at the annual Trinity All-Sports banquet held Monday evening in the city auditorium.
Twenty-seven Trinity athletes received major letters for participation in school sports, and four cheerleaders received major awards.
Gene Farrell, football coach at East High School in Sioux City, was the featured speaker of the evening.
Coach B. E. Wanser presented the letters to the players. Four students received letters in football, basketball, and baseball. They were Howard Lammers and James Giesler, seniors; James Hausman, junior; and Patrick Dresden, sophomore.
Other students who received football letters follow: * Seniors: James Neu, Robert Arens, Sidney Eickhoff, Eugene Peck, Joseph Wachter, Marcell Becker, Jerome Feilmeier, James Kuehn, and Edwin Peabody.
* Juniors: Richard Hochstein, Darrell Haberman, Larry Feilmeier, and Harold Feilmeier.
* Sophomores: Eugene Kathol and Donald Rossiter.
* Freshmen: Charles Feilmeier. Basketball letters were awarded to the following: * Seniors: Sidney Eickhoff, Eugene Peck, Marcell Becker, and Richard Filips.
* Juniors: Gerald Meyer. * Sophomores: Larry Klanderud.