COLERIDGE — The American Legion Post #114 and its Auxiliary Unit #114 held their monthly meeting March 3 at the Coleridge Community Building. The units jointly recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then they separated and held their monthly meetings.
President V. Gullicksen called the meeting to order. Gulliksen gave a reading, and a prayer followed by a moment of silence in memory of our departed.
Secretary Brenda Lage called the role with six members responding with a guest attending also. She also read the minutes of the February meeting, and they were approved as read and corrected.
The treasurer’s report was given, with a motion by B. Lage and second by V Gullicksen to approve the treasurer’s report and to pay bills presented.
At this time, old business was discussed about waiting to purchase a poppy make kit, it was decided to order one from department, President Gullicksen will visit with others at the district convention in Hartington March 15th. Bingo is at the Veteran’s home in Norfolk March 14 and members were reminded to drop off Debbie snacks to Vicky.
New Business: 2026 membership dues were discussed, and will be discussed again at the April Meeting. There was one application for Girls State, and it was sent in and with application fee. Members also brought up Americanism essays, which have been reviewed and need to be sent in by March 15 to the department.
Discussion was held on ideas for committee to help/donate with other activities in our community.
The next meeting will be April 7. The meeting was adjourned.
Brenda Lage Secretary