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Take a deep breath, step back and find a way to rest in God’s presence

We’re two weeks into Lent. Maybe you gave up something — good for you! W e live in a culture of abundance. Most of us have more than we need of everything, from food and drink to technology and entertainment. It is good and healthy to take a step back from the constant stream of noise and stimulation, to lessen our attachment to these comforts and strengthen our attachment to God.

Our sacrifices can benefit our neighbors as well. We can collect the funds we would have spent on meat or coffee or eating out, and donate them for the good of those in need. Or we can take the time we would have spent on television or computer games or Facebook and use it to serve others or deepen our devotional life.

Maybe you’ve added something to your life instead of (or in addition to) removing something. Good for you! Prayer is the traditional choice, and adding to your prayer life is a wonderful way to grow in faith throughout this holy season. There are countless resources available to help you learn and try a form of prayer that’s outside your usual practice.

Whatever the specifics may be, I suggest you approach your discipline as an opportunity for rest. And if you haven’t gotten any traction with a discipline yet this season, consider rest as a valid option.

Many of us are on overload. Maybe you work a lot, run around with kids, care for family and friends, or serve your community. Technology keeps us connected all the time, so it’s harder and harder to disengage from the demands on our time and energy.

Lenten disciplines are not just another burden to add to schedules that are already far too full. Changing some element of our lives for a few weeks is a chance for sabbath rest. Fasting, prayer and works of charity can help us slow down and focus on our true priorities. God invites us into these practices because he knows they’re good for us. They deepen our relationship with God and draw us into the new life he offers in Christ.

So, rather than feeling burdened, I encourage you to look at your calendar and see if there’s a way to create regular periods of downtime. Think carefully about what you will do with that downtime. Pray and worship, certainly. Do something simple that you enjoy — take a walk, read a book, play a game with someone. And relax in the presence of the God who calls the weary to come to him for rest


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