SOUTH SIOUX CITY— The annual Dixon County 4-H Achievement Celebration/Kick-Off was held Sunday, Feb. 23 at the Norm Waitt YMCA in South Sioux City.
The celebration was combined with the Dakota County 4-H program. Over 125 4-Hers and adults enjoyed swimming, pizza, treats, and fellowship.
4-H members are able to reflect on their yearly accomplishments through the 4-H Achievement Applications.
They submit their report for county judging in the fall.
The report has them share their 4-H project experiences, leadership experiences, community involvement/ service learning projects, and potential career sparks.
The applications are evaluated on how they reported on their 4-H experience for the year.
The Diamond Clover Award encourages 4-H members to engage in various projects and activities throughout the year. The program has six levels.
4-H Cloverkid members submit a 4-H story with pictures of their project highlights from the year.
The 2024 Dixon County Award Winners were: 4-H Achievement Application/ County Awards
Jr Winners Beef: Elijah Pearson, Papillion Sr Winners Beef: Elijah Pearson, Papillion Diamond Clover Awards Level 1-Amethyst: Claire Kvols, Laurel and Aiden Busker, Hubbard
Cloverkid Awards: Claire Luhr, Wakefield
4-H Volunteer Recognition 5 Years: Bridgett Connell, Waterbury 20 Years: Candice Hansen, Waterbury