RANDOLPH –The Randolph Elementary Student Council, along with the community of Randolph, raised $2,407.02, to donate to St.
Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
These fundraising efforts were coordinated through efforts of a Norfolk-based radio station in their quest for raising a million pennies.
Elementary class totals are: Kindergarten, $181.72; first grade, $406.35; second grade, $630.50; third grade, $586.28; fourth grade, $75.14; fifth grade, $50.50; and sixth grade, $71.36.
The two classes who raised the most money earned either an ice cream or donut party.
Community members donated a total of $405.17 through a collection bucket at the elementary office and also at Jim’s Food Center.
The money taken in from the grocery store and office was divided equally between all classes.
Randolph Elementary’ Student Council members pose with a symbolic check of the money they raised for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Pictured are: (back row) Emmett Junck, Adam Miller, Eli Miller, Hailey Tunink, Emillee Backer, Elsie Wortman, (middle row) Jonah Swantek, Ainsley Olson, Cora Flaming, Hayden Korth, Kandyce Korth, (front row) Ellie Thelen, Charlie Junck, Audra Kuhl, Nessa Tunink, Kane Gubbels and Andersyn Olson. Jackie Loberg|Randolph Times