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WSC Plains Writers series set for Dec. 5

WAYNE – Wayne State College’s Language and Literature Department, the School of Arts and Humanities, and the WSC Press are pleased to host the next installment of the 202425 Plains Writers Series, featuring Amber Jensen, on Thursday, Dec. 5.

The reading, free and open to the public, will begin at 2 p.m. in the second-floor lounge of the Humanities Building. This event will be livestreamed on the Plains Writers Series Facebook page.

Jensen is the author of “The Smoke of You: A Memoir of Love During & After Deployment,” published by MilSpeak Books in 2023.

The Fiction Slam will follow the Plains Writers Series reading. The slam will be held at 7 p.m. at the Max Bar and Grill in downtown Wayne. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. for slam participants who need to bring two original short stories and the $5 registration fee. The slam is also free and open to the public. For more information, visit www.wscpress.com. Amber Jensen completed her undergraduate studies in English and Spanish at South Dakota State University. After teaching English in Mexico for five years, she continued her studies in literature and writing, earning a graduate degree at SDSU and a master of fine arts degree in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans.

Encouraged by mentors in both programs, Jensen began drafting essays, finding homes for some of them in “North Dakota Quarterly,” “Narrative Inquiry,” at “Oh-Dark-Thirty,” and in Red, White, & True: Stories from Military Veterans and Their Families WWII to Present. These essays are now part of her first book, “The Smoke of You: A Memoir of Love During & After Deployment,” published by MilSpeak Books.

The Plains Writers Series is held several times a year at Wayne State and has been an integral part of the college’s history since 1977. This reading series generally features Great Plains authors and artists in a one or two-day event that is free and open to the public. The Plains Writers Series brings attention to the prose and poetry of Great Plains writers through reading and interacting with area audiences.

The Plains Writers Series provides a forum for Nebraska’s contemporary writers and poets to share their work with Nebraska readers. The content of the project is literature, especially that of rural Nebraska. Literature will be the entire focus of the series throughout the day in the form of readings, questions and answer sessions, one-on-one conversations between the audience members, and the authors presenting their work. Following the readings, a poetry or fiction slam is held in downtown Wayne.

For more information about the Plains Writers Series, contact Chad Christensen, managing editor of the WSC Press and director of the Plains Writers Series, at wscpress@wsc.


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