YANKTON, S.D. — An online Advent retreat, “Mary’s Song: An Invitation and Response,” will include prayer, brief presentations, and sharing in breakout groups. Participants will ponder Mary’s open-hearted “yes” to God, and reflect on how Mary’s example can help us respond generously to God’s invitations in our own lives.
Join the Benedictine Sisters of Sacred Heart Monastery Peace Center on Zoom from 9:30-11:30 a.m., Dec. 7.
Registration must be completed by noon Dec. 5 by visiting https://Yankton-Benedictines.org/advent-retreat or by emailing benedictinepeacectr@yanktonbenedictines. org.
For more information, call 605-668-6292 or visit the webpage https://yanktonbenedictines. org/advent-retreat/.