Oct. 16, 1924
HARTINGTON — Direct connections with Hartington and Wayne are now offered Hartington folks thru a bus line operating betwen those two towns.
The bus, which is really a large touring car, makes two trips a day from Yankton to Wayne and returns passing Fordyce, Hartington, Coleridge and Laurel.
It connects at Yankton with another line operated by the same company, which goes to Sioux Falls.
Oct. 23, 1924
HARTINGTON- The Hartington City Council is requesting that when the fire alarm is sounded in the city of Hartington, all automobile drivers are urged to drive their cars to the curb at once and remain parked a reasonable length of time to give the fire truck the right of way. In doing so, accidents will be avoided.
Oct. 23, 1924
HARTINGTON- While helping his two brothers chop down a bee tree, Jorgen Kohlbaum, a farmer living near Newcastle, was instantly killed when the tree unexpectedly broke in two and fell on him, crushing his skull. He was 42 years old at the time he was killed and had lived in Dixon County for a number of years.
Oct. 23, 1924
HARTINGTON- Work on Hartington’s fine new depot took a sudden spurt on Monday, when six brick masons arrived to begin the big task of laying brick for the structure.
It is estimated that at least a month will be required before the walls and partitions of the building will be completed, despite the fact that a good crew of men will be at work on this job. This is caused by the fact that so much ‘fancy work’ has to be included in the face of the walls, and more time is consumed in laying brick for this sort of walls.
Oct. 23, 1924
HARTINGTON- Much trouble in the coming election could be averted if certain residents of Knox County could be moved into Cedar County and, if others from Cedar County would take up their abode in Knox County Cedar County is to vote on the proposition of changing the county government from commissioners to supervisors. Knox County, with a supervisor form of government, is talking of voting to change to commissioner form of government.
Perhaps those who favor the change in their respective counties would get a lot of information if they talked things over together. All of which reminds one of the old song ‘After you get what you want, you don’t want it.’