May 4, 1899
HARTINGTON - The price of gasoline is now 20 cents per gallon at the Oil House.
May 4, 1899
HARTINGTON - Aug. Lubely and Henry Hoese have the cement walks completed in front of their business houses.
May 4, 1899
HARTINGTON - J.J. Felber’s new 16x40 foot barn on the farm north of Erick Swensen’s, was blown down in last Friday’s storm.
May 4, 1899
HARTINGTON - The City Council met Wednesday morning, granted several licenses and made the following appointments for the ensuing year: Vhief of Police, G. McGregor; street commissioner, W. J. Degarmo; engineer at the water station, H.C. Watson.
May 4, 1899
HARTINGTON - The heaviest rain of the season, together with an electrical storm, reached us Tuesday evening. Almost three inches of rain fell, the heaviest downpour in this area for 15 years.
The bridges around town were tested pretty hard and the approach to the one on East. Sin round May 6, 1909
HARTINGTON — Harry Lanphear and his wife are moving onto a farm three quarters of a mile north of the Pleasant Valley stock farm.
May 6, 1909
HARTINGTON — Anne Beste, of District 7, is the only student in all the Cedar County schools who has a perfect attendance record.
May 6, 1919
HARTINGTON — Louis F. Hoese has announced that he will build an addition to the pavillion dance hall at Hoese’s Park, which will practically double the size of the building.
It is now 32x60 and when the improvements are completed it will be 52x80.
A raised platform in the center of the hall will be erected for the musicians.
Mr. Hoese is having a house erected in the park and will occupy it as soon as it is completed. May 6, 1919
HARTINGTON — Musical lovers in and around Hartington will be given their annual treat by the local high school chorus who will shortly present a pleasing little operetta entitled “The Wind Mills of Holland.”
It is built around an interesting plot and has much catchy music.
May 6, 1919
HARTINGTON — For the third time pupils from school District 13 won the county spelling championship and the big silver loving cup presented by the Cedar County News as the grand prize at the Cedar County Courthouse.
Another remarkable feature of the contest was that both the first and second prizes were won by pupils from this district. Pauline Heimes, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Heimes, Jr., an eighth grader, won the gold medal for herself and the cup for the school by winning the contest.