HARTINGTON — The Hartington Chamber of Commerce is planning several big events for 2024.
The first big event will take place at Felber Park the Saturday before Easter when the Chamber sponsors its annual Easter Egg Hunt.
The Chamber is also planning another Hartington Dayz event this summer. The Hartington Candlelight Christmas event will celebrate 25 years this November.
Chamber members welcomed Jenny Holan into the business community with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The Hartington Economic Development annual meeting was held in conjunctin with the Feb. 21 Chamber meeting.
Economic Development Board President Chris Miller told Chamber members that most of the funds the group gets are from the LB840 sales tax account. The group receives 35 percent of the sales tax receipts Hartington brings in.
The group also set up a revolving loan fund to help new businesses get established and to aid existing businesses make updates. The fund,which is now controlled by the City, has given out 17 revolving loans to businesses.
Every three years, four members are up for election.
Ryan Creamer and Josh Climer were both re-elected to three-year terms on the Board. Two other Board members, Mike Lammers and Zach Becker, decided not to run for another term. No candidates had stepped forward before the annual meeting to run for one of the vacant seats, so two new members will now be appointed, Miller said.